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  • Writer's pictureCarolina


I am overwhelmed by the feedback on my previous post and excited to start walking my new path. I expect 2019 to be a vibrant year, as I employ my experiences, learnings, skills and passions to start creating meaningful impact.

At Trafi, I am connecting my previous experiences as product manager and analyst, my education as a urban planner and as a human geographer, and my passions for cities and for data. I expect to learn how urban and transportation planning are evolving and to work with city, mobility, and transportation planners on discovering how the private and public sectors should collaborate to improve mobility in cities.

At PATH, I am combining my professional and personal experiences; my knowledge about emotional intelligence, conscious leadership, and non-violent communication; and my passion for personal growth. I expect to share my learnings and the foundations in which I am building PATH. I hope to coach a handful of amazing professional women and witness them becoming more conscious and intentional leaders.

I also expect to spend time with my loved ones, to retreat for a week to an island, to perform at least once with my favourite ensemble, Shakespeare Reloaded, and to enjoy life in Berlin.

Finally, I expect to stumble, to fall and to take wrong turns. I intend to enjoy the view and to celebrate the progress I make.

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